World Earth

It is hard to believe that not very long ago the average person had little or no impact when it came to the machinations of governments. In fact, one only has to look back one century to see that most people had no say in the operations of the world around them. A century before that, there were even less, and 300 years ago only the most powerful people in any given land were allowed any input on what happened around them.

One shudders to think what sort of state the world would be in today if that course had been allowed to continue. An examination of the past half century alone is a virtual study in the ability of the average citizen to change the way our countries function, and always for the better. Women's and minority rights have been a part of this change, as has a more equal distribution of the wealth of society (not that we are saying it is entirely fair, but it is better than it was).

None of these changes could have come about if people did not have an awareness of the issues that faced them. Today, nothing is more universal on the political scene than the issue of the environment. People pay attention to scientific research and experimental development more and more when it comes to how they live their lives. The dissemination of knowledge though mediums including the Internet, popular television, magazines and so on has meant that the public is educated about environmental issues in a way it never has been before.

This global awareness of global issues could not have come any later, quite literally. The fact is that our planet is on the verge of changing so drastically due to human actions that it is almost too late to reverse the trends that we put into motion. Fortunately, there is still hope as long as we remain vigilant and pro-active when it comes to environmental issues. If you've entered a large city lately, maybe you're switching and you can't help but notice the smog clouds that cover the area. While we have started to see these as normal, we now recognize that they need to start reducing if we have any chance of saving our planet.

The most important step in the process is, of course, being constantly aware of issues as they affect our world. This means operating at both the individual and the national scale.

What do we mean by this? Well, first of all, the reparation of our planet will never come about without individual action. This action takes many different forms, the most important being the changes you make in your day-to-day activities. We can all do a little bit more to reduce our carbon footprints, whether we are talking about driving less, buying more fuel efficient vehicles, or paying attention to companies that produce less waste.

Individual action can also include becoming agents of change within our communities, which in turn ties into efforts at the national scale. Most people are cynical about the effectiveness of this approach, but it does work. They don't see how actions of a small group can change the practices of a government or custom lead generation company. Here is a great example of how individual action changed the course of the ecological future of our planet, for the better.

Back in the 1980s, most vehicles ran on leaded gasoline. This gas was cheap to manufacture, as it did not have lead particles taken out of it, and was available everywhere. Unfortunately, the lead once burned ended up floating around in the atmosphere, causing some major environmental problems including acid rain.

The discovery that our gasoline was causing acid rain took a while to make, of course, but when the results began being published, people began to take action. Governments are slow to respond to science, and much quicker when it comes to responding to people (particularly large groups of people). Individuals concerned with the effects of leaded gasoline started to organize and educate others. Environmental magazines for all demographics took up the cause, and before long there was a large public outcry.

This outcry was enough for governments all over the world to take notice. By the end of the '80s, lead gasoline was well on its way out in North America and in most other places. Acid rain is still a problem today, but its effects have been much reduced by the efforts of individuals in banning its use. People could have the same effect on everything from food to a sports venue if they found the product was unsafe or environmentally harmful.

Without awareness, those changes and many others would never have come about. This site is dedicated to promoting awareness of environmental issues. We are part of the early warning system, the one that sounds the alarm before it is too late.

Take a look at what we have to offer if you are a citizen of Planet Earth concerned with its future for the sake of future generations. It is our responsibility to take action, but only once we have awareness can meaningful action take place. One company we can confirm is concerned with the environmental impact and make the availability of clean water to everyone is the company Wes-Cor and their wastewater treatment system

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024