Earth Hour

When Earth Hour started in 2007 it took place in Sydney, Australia and brought in a participation of 2.2 million people and over 2000 businesses. It was just the act of turning all of the lights out for one hour in the evening and has now sparked an event that is recognized in 128 countries by more than 1 billion people. If you're living in Murano - 38 Grenville/37 Grosvenor or Paris, France and you look out the window during this time it will be as if you're seeing a whole different world.

Earth Hour was first organized and conceived by the World Wildlife Fund and was always meant to impact more than just that one hour in energy consumption around the world. As you start to see the power go out in everything from Vaughan townhouses to Times Square in New York City you can begin to think about all of the energy that you're needlessly consuming on a regular basis. You will usually be amazed at how simple it is still to live without this power.

Earth Hour takes place on the last Saturday in March from 7:30-8:30pm local time. You will also find that millions of businesses take the initiative to shut off their lights for a period of time on the day before this, as they are not in operation on the weekend. During Earth Hour there are many things that you can do to keep you busy while you're sitting in Toronto townhouses or a farmhouse in the country. Some will just shut off their lights and will still have access to things like the computer and televisions. Others might unplug all of their electrical appliances and opt instead for candles and maybe a board game night with the family.

The purpose of Earth Hour is all about taking action and recognizing that there is an energy crisis that no one can ignore. If you're working with Ontario home builders or are running just one household than you need to start making those conscious choices when it comes to energy consumption. This is not meant to be a time when you feel like you are depriving yourself of things that you need but rather a way of showing what we can live without.

If you're spending Earth Hour with children and you want to teach them more about this time than there are many things that you can do to make this more fun and educational. You could make a game of going around your PEI real estate and seeing how many things you can unplug or turn off. There are also some kids' games available on the Earth Hour website that you could show them while the lights are still on to keep them interested and informed.

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